Sunday, February 21, 2010


Does any mommy really know what that means? My oldest turns 4 tomorrow, so I can say with certainty that I have not had a moment of it since the day she was born. I am not complaining, although it would be nice to either go to the bathroom or take a shower ON MY OWN, or get to do those things with the door closed and not have 4 hands banging on the door the whole time. I am momentarily in here on the computer all by myself, but that is only because my husband has food and food trumps mommy...usually. Shortly before my daughter was born we had our bathroom shower re-tiled. It was so pretty that we decided to enclose it with a clear glass shower door. If I had only known... As it is, if I start making that journey to the back of the house my oldest has to ask me if I am going potty and my youngest has to run behind me yelling, "tee-tee, tee-tee, tee-tee." Then I am joined with an audience that usually likes to prepare themselves and bring their own toys. I think there was a time when I could shower or take a bath and take as long as I wanted. I vaguely remember those days...! Oh is a small price to pay.

I will discuss MODESTY in another blog...that is another thing I have done without for the last four years!

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